This article is for those who intend to visit Vietnam and are thinking of riding a motorcycle there. This information can be of great help also if you just intend to walk or take public transportation. Having a general understanding of how the traffic functions in Vietnam is a must to stay safe. After living …
If you ever visit Singapore, you will quickly discover the many things The Little Red Dot (nickname) has to offer. People that travel to southeastern Asian countries, usually base their destinations on the overall cost, and for this, some stay only a few days and some decide to skip Singapore as part of their travel …
Vivir en Vietnam durante casi un año desde febrero de 2020 hasta enero de 2021 fue una aventura y un placer para nuestros ojos. Decidimos vivir en este hermoso país del sureste asiático durante la pandemia por varias razones. La primera fue que era un lugar muy seguro para estar. En segundo lugar, nos habíamos …
Living in Vietnam for almost a year from February 2020 to January 2021 was an adventure and a delight to our eyes. We decided to live in this beautiful southeastern Asian country during the pandemic for several reasons. The first one would be that it was a very safe place to be. Secondly, we had …
Para los Sudamericanos, el fútbol es parte de nuestras vidas desde el momento en que comenzamos a respirar. Recuerdo claramente a mi padre gritándole a la televisión mientras veía partidos nacionales o internacionales. Durante la Copa del Mundo, todos nuestros vecinos se convertían en nuestros amigos, incluso aquellos con los que nunca hablábamos, o a …
As a South American, football (soccer) is part of our lives from the moment we start breathing. I clearly remember my father shouting and screaming at the TV while watching national or international matches. During the World Cup, everyone became our friends, even those we never talked to, or those who liked another team. Football …
A fines de noviembre del 2020, nuestro amigo Alex nos invitó a su pueblo natal de Cao Lãnh, en la provincia de Đồng Tháp. El pueblo está ubicado a unos 150 kilómetros al suroeste de la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh. En conversaciones anteriores, Alex se mostró muy entusiasmado por mostrarnos su pueblo cerca del …
In late November 2020, we were invited by our friend Alex to his hometown of Cao Lãnh, in the Đồng Tháp Province. The town is located about 150 kilometers southwest of Ho Chi Minh City. In previous conversations, he was very enthusiastic to show us his hometown near the famous Mekong River. Months earlier, while …
Si eres un aficionado de las motocicletas, tienes conocimientos de motos o has visitado Vietnam, quizás hayas escuchado hablar de las Honda Win vietnamitas. Estas motocicletas son un producto barato, hecho en Vietnam (aquellas con motor DETECH). Tambien han sido por años punto de conversación, discusiones y desacuerdos en muchos niveles entre los motociclistas y …