Affectionately referred to as “Chichi,” Chichicastenango is a small, vibrant town nestled in the highlands of Guatemala. Renowned for its rich Mayan culture, colorful markets, and unique blend of indigenous and Catholic traditions. At an elevation 6,447 feet (1,965 meters), Chichicastenango serves as a strategic cultural and commercial hub for the K’iche’ Maya people. Historical …
Considered a must-visit town for many reasons. We’d heard many years ago about this place and how beautiful it was. We had to visit and see it with our own eyes and it did not disappointed us. Uno: Colonial Architecture and Charm Taxco is renowned for its well-preserved colonial architecture. You can walk on its …
If you have ever visited the state of Massachusetts, chances are you have never heard of or visited the small town of Andover. Located only 24 miles north from Boston, this town is a favorite of many, particularly for its beauty and rich history. Settled in 1642, with a current population of about 36,000 residents, …
Para los Sudamericanos, el fútbol es parte de nuestras vidas desde el momento en que comenzamos a respirar. Recuerdo claramente a mi padre gritándole a la televisión mientras veía partidos nacionales o internacionales. Durante la Copa del Mundo, todos nuestros vecinos se convertían en nuestros amigos, incluso aquellos con los que nunca hablábamos, o a …